Dienstag, 1. Februar 2011

happy chinese new year!!!

this is the second time that i can't celebrate the CNY with my family. but this time is a little bit far from home. the first time in shanghai and now in germany....the distance is getting larger but my heart always for my parents...the year before last i ve missed the last chance with my grandma the new year to celebrate and even the last time to see her...and last year the first time without grandparents it seemed a little cheerles...ok..i don't want to recall the said things as the new beginning of this year...so i must say happy new year for everyone that i ve known...and i will celebrate it with all my good friends who are in germany now^^ we will make dumplings and also many delicious dishes...i must call my parents and other relatives...i ve bought a handycard but it doesnt work...i don't know what's wrong with it but i must tomorrow go back and request a new one! but it can not stop the way i get contact with my whole family :) this year i can also with my first boyfriend this together to celebrate and it will be so excited and unforgetable xD by the way, i miss my mother and i always love her!!!!

p.s. so childish is my english~~haha~~

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